Wednesday 30 November 2011

Compare and Contrast Essay- Secondary School and University

            Secondary school and university are the place where students can gain knowledge. They provided the facilities and infrastructure such as tables and chairs, teachers, classrooms, blackboards and others to create study environment. Besides, every student also hopes to have knowledge so that they can compete with others to represent themselves. There are various similarities and differences between secondary school and university.
            The similarities between secondary school and university are they provide education. Education has become important and everyone is desire to be educated. For secondary school, it provides basic knowledge for certain stream like biology, chemistry and physics. Students can gain some basic information about the subjects before they study deep into the subjects with complex knowledge. For university, it is the place whereby students can further their studies. Everyone has hope. Therefore, they can choose their interested courses to study in order to pursue their dreams. For example, if a person is interested in business, he can take the business courses that are provided in university. Both these places help students to learn more.
            In addition, both secondary school and university consist of cocuricculum. In secondary school, there are many activities and clubs that students are free to join. There have badminton club, Red Crescent, Chinese Culture Club, Handball club and more. Cocuricculum helps students to release their tension, make them cheerful and make good use of the time. In university, many outdoor activities had been organized. The activities make memorable memories to students. Students also learn something new rather than studying. Thus, study life can be more meaningful and interesting with the presence of cocuricculum.
            On the other hand, the differences of secondary school and university are flexibility of the timetable. As we know, the schedule of secondary school is fixed. All the students need to go to school early in the morning at 7’o clock and back at 2 o’clock. It is the rules and regulation that available when studying in secondary. For university, the schedule is flexible and students can choose their own timetable. Secondary school and university has much different in their timetable.
            Besides that, secondary school and university have their different dress code. For secondary students, they are compulsory to wear uniform to school. Boys need to wear white uniform with trouser while girls need to wear blue dress with white uniform. On the other side, for university students, they have freedom to choose what to wear. They can wear anything attire as long as they feel comfortable and is proper but not sexy. Proper attire means the discipline of students that helps in evaluation of them.
            In short, there are the differences between secondary school and university. Both of these places helps in brighten our future. At the same time, it improves our standard of living by giving education to us.