Wednesday 30 November 2011


          Obesity problem is getting more popular and serious among the society and is worrying. Every day, when we reading the news, we can find that the people who are obese with certain diseases are increasing from day to day. Although government has tried to organize activities and campaign to alert people the negative effect of obesity, but it doesn’t work effectively. Actually, food that we consume every day is important. We must make sure that the food is not oily that may causes obesity. There are also some reasons that causes obesity such as the advertisement of the fast food industry, parents neglect their responsibilities of their children and less exercising.
            In this modernization world, advertising play an important role to promote products. The owner may advertise their products with the attractive advertisement to take attention from the consumers. Once consumers get attracted, they will purchase the identified products. Therefore, fast food industry may take this advantage in order to earn more profit. They will advertise the fast food with the illustrative image that makes the food looks more delicious and mouth-watering. However, fast food contains higher colory. It is not good for health once excessively consuming.
            Besides, parents also need to take care about their children all the time. As we know, the society is getting more complex and there are many competitors around us. To win the ‘competition’, parents work hard from day to night in order to make better life. As a result, they have insufficient of time to accompany and care about their children. They have no enough time to prepared the meals and often call delivery. Without proper consumption of food, it could results in obesity. Indeed, having proper meal is vital to everyone.
            Apart from that, less exercising may causes obesity especially for the youths. Nowadays, youths are lazy to exercise and more prefer to stay at home. They more prefer to sit in front of the computer to play games rather than going outside sweating. Youths are addicted to games and willing to ignore the importance of exercising. Consequently, obesity occurs.
            In conclusion, people must always concern about their health. Thus, having balanced diet is important to overcome obesity to have healthy lifestyle.

Compare and Contrast- KFC and Macdonald

             KFC and Macdonald, which one you prefer more?  Actually, they are well-known with their delicious fast food. KFC are popular with the fried chickens while Macdonald popular with the burgers and french fries. There are several similarities between KFC and Macdonald such as they serve fast food, they are international companies and they sell halal food.
            First of all, KFC and Macdonald are famous with their fast food. KFC mainly product is fried chicken whereas Macdonald products are burgers and french fries. KFC chickens are crunchy and it is yummy. The chicken consists of original and spicy flavor.  For Macdonald burgers, it consists of variety of choices such as the Big Mac, Chicken burger, double beef burger and others. The service in preparation of the food is fast. Therefore, it helps customers to save time that they can get the food as fast as possible.
            Besides that, both KFC and Macdonald are international companies. They are worldwide and have their own market. In Malaysia, they have many franchises. When you wish to have fast food, you can always find it at anyway. The franchises are also open at foreign countries too. Both of them operate their businesses for 24 hours to provide services for local consumers and foreigners. Other than that, there are also many advertisements of KFC and Macdonald had being broadcasted through television, newspapers, radio and magazines. This is one of the common tactic to attract consumer especially children and teenagers in order to increase their sales. For them, fast food is mouth-watering and suit to their appetite. Although they know that consume a lot of fast food may bring effects, but they are more concern on enjoying the delicious food at the moment.
            Furthermore, KFC and Macdonald sell halal food. It means that their products do not consist of pork and alcohol because they are concern on sociocultural in their beliefs and preferences. For example, to respect muslims in Malaysia, KFC and Macdonald cannot provide food that contains pork. The food provided are all can be consumed in any races with their beliefs.
            In a nutshell, KFC and Macdonald provided variety of fast food that fit the consumers need and wants nowadays. With their hard work in continuing provided quality food, they can always be the first choice to the customers.  

Compare and Contrast Essay- Secondary School and University

            Secondary school and university are the place where students can gain knowledge. They provided the facilities and infrastructure such as tables and chairs, teachers, classrooms, blackboards and others to create study environment. Besides, every student also hopes to have knowledge so that they can compete with others to represent themselves. There are various similarities and differences between secondary school and university.
            The similarities between secondary school and university are they provide education. Education has become important and everyone is desire to be educated. For secondary school, it provides basic knowledge for certain stream like biology, chemistry and physics. Students can gain some basic information about the subjects before they study deep into the subjects with complex knowledge. For university, it is the place whereby students can further their studies. Everyone has hope. Therefore, they can choose their interested courses to study in order to pursue their dreams. For example, if a person is interested in business, he can take the business courses that are provided in university. Both these places help students to learn more.
            In addition, both secondary school and university consist of cocuricculum. In secondary school, there are many activities and clubs that students are free to join. There have badminton club, Red Crescent, Chinese Culture Club, Handball club and more. Cocuricculum helps students to release their tension, make them cheerful and make good use of the time. In university, many outdoor activities had been organized. The activities make memorable memories to students. Students also learn something new rather than studying. Thus, study life can be more meaningful and interesting with the presence of cocuricculum.
            On the other hand, the differences of secondary school and university are flexibility of the timetable. As we know, the schedule of secondary school is fixed. All the students need to go to school early in the morning at 7’o clock and back at 2 o’clock. It is the rules and regulation that available when studying in secondary. For university, the schedule is flexible and students can choose their own timetable. Secondary school and university has much different in their timetable.
            Besides that, secondary school and university have their different dress code. For secondary students, they are compulsory to wear uniform to school. Boys need to wear white uniform with trouser while girls need to wear blue dress with white uniform. On the other side, for university students, they have freedom to choose what to wear. They can wear anything attire as long as they feel comfortable and is proper but not sexy. Proper attire means the discipline of students that helps in evaluation of them.
            In short, there are the differences between secondary school and university. Both of these places helps in brighten our future. At the same time, it improves our standard of living by giving education to us. 

Causes and Effect Essay- Dining out regularly

            Nowadays, people is busy with work and therefore causes insufficient of time to prepare healthy meals. They often call delivery or dining out regulary to fulfill their hunger. With this, it may save time. However, there are some causes of this phenomenon that lead to negative effects.
            As we know, people is lack of time in preparation of food and thus dining out may occur. In this modern world, everyone is working so hard to follow the steps in society. They are often busy with works to have better life. Besides, people are more willing to spend time in pursuing dreams. They believed that, dreams may come true with the hard work a person put in. Thus, people must make good use of time so that frequency of dining out may be reduced.
            In addition, dining out regularly affect one’s health.  Generally, food prepared is not following the food pyramid. Food pyramid is vital for a person to have balanced diet. Food pyramid consists of starch, protein, vitamin and fats. Balanced diet makes a person healthy and may avoid from the diseases. Mostly, the food prepared is also oily and salty. Consume of a lot of oily food may cause obesity while salty food makes one face the problem of hair drop. People must bear in mind to concern more on their health.
            Other than that, dining out regularly is a waste of money. Food outside is more expensive when compared with homemade food. The ingredients to prepare the food actually is in low price, however they higher the price than the original as well so that they can make more profit. Besides that, preparation of food to a nicer way so that people is attracted and willing to pay on it. However, the food prepared cannot satisfy my hunger. The food is always in small portion with a higher price. So, we must avoid waste of money and started to save money from now for the future use.  
            In conclusion, dining out regularly brings negative effects. Therefore, people must always concern on their health to have healthy lifestyle. Always remember that, “Say No to Dining out”.

Compare and Contrast Essay- 2 significant individuals in your life

            Life can be interesting, colourful and wonderful with appear of individuals. Father and mother are two significant individuals in my life. They brighten my days, make my days goes on and the persons that love me the most. There are several similarities and differences between these two characters.
            Firstly, father and mother give their love. The love given is infinite and cannot be measure. They concern about me all the time and always give the best to me. Every day, father goes to work until late in order to support the necessities in life with the given income. He is hard working in his job so that we live without worries but happily. Mother is a responsible woman. She prepares the daily needs to us such as prepare the meals. The meals prepared always balanced according to the food pyramid. She seldom serves fried food to us because it is oily and not good for health. For her, health always comes first rather than others. Obviously, love is always important to us.
            Next, father and mother are the individuals that educated us when we are still young. Father gives his advices and teaches me the rights in life. When I do something wrong, he always correct me to the right way. With his advices, I learnt a lot from him since he is an experienced person and willing to share with me his stories. Mother is always patient to teach me step by step so that I can succeed. I appreciate her, so I will continue my great effort to succeed in my life. Thus, education from young is useful to guide us in life.
            In addition, father is the backbone of a family while mother is the supporter in the family. Father is the person who works from day to night to earn money to support needs. He fulfills the wants in a family so that we can live happily with the appropriate needs. Mother gives moral support to father and family members to motivate us. When we are trying to give up, she always give motivation to us in a right way thus we will continue the excitement in life. They always play important roles in our life.
            In short, father and mother are two significant individuals make my life interesting and meaningful. Therefore, I will always listen to their advice, become good and obedient daughter and will not make troubles to burden them.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Begin a day = Starts a CHALLENGE

Begin a day equal to starts a challenge?
Obviously, is true. As human being, we do not know what will be going on for the next moment. So, whether it is good or bad, we need to accept the TRUTH! With this, we can learn valuable lessons. We can correct our weakness to make it strong.
Always bear in mind, be strong can change everything! Be prepared to meet the challenges!
Good Luck!! :)