Friday 28 October 2011

Individual Assignment 1

2. a) What do you understand from your readings regarding the issue?
From my understanding, it is about pet abuse. Pet is a companion animal that you take care of and that keeps you company, for example a dog or a cat. Abuse means an action that treat in a harmful, injuries or offensive way. From my readings, I found that the pet abuse cases are getting more serious and worrying. People are getting cruel to do anything on the pet in order to have satisfaction. People treat their pets as ‘dolls”. The pet owner treat pets nice and well according to their willingness. On the contrary, if they are not willing, the pet may be the victim in abuse. Fortunately, there come laws that punish the abuser to protect the innocent pets.

b)  Why do you think it occurs? Explain your answer.
In my view, I think this occurs is because the people nowadays are lack of loving and caring hearts. They only take concern on themselves and doing things that will benefit them only. For them, own benefits overcome a more concerning heart to other people. In the society today, everybody is so busy with their work, nobody even bother to care or have that extra time for other people. To release the burdens and stresses in their daily life, pet abuse might be one of the many ways which are commonly found. Besides, pet abuse may occur when people can’t get revenge with people, they may take out their anger on helpless animals.

c) Explain their impacts on
i) Society
The impact on society is violence. Violence means physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, demaging or abusing. There will be less and less kindness, patience and caring in your surroundings. People will lack of security in their lives and live in fear.  As a result, people will not be happy and gradually this may lead to the sickness of depression. This society is sick. Next, violence leads to inflicting pain with impunity conveys the message that society approves of and thereby increases the probability that it will be perpetrated repeatedly that not only against animals. Lastly, people may be the target in abuse.

ii) Nation
The impact on nation will be the slowing down of the national development. An unhealthy society will not post a good image for the nation. The slow development and bad image of the nation will affect itself in the future development with other nations. Thus, it may affect the growth, technology and the economy in the nation and the standard of living of the people. For the growth and development in a nation, heredity plays an important factor. Heredity is the passing of characteristics from parents to their children. For example, if the parents are cruel and abusive, their children may inherit their characteristics as well. As there is an increasing of abuse cases such as pet abuse, indirectly it may spoil the image of a nation. There will be no more collaboration between one nation with other and causes slow in the national development.

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